Day in the life

Through the eyes of a baby

When I arrive at nursery, I see my keyworker. I look carefully at her smiley face as she says, ‘good morning’. As I look around the room, I am curious about all the colours, shapes, and noises. I really want to get down to explore! My key person gets out some of my favourite toys. They’re my favourite because they flash, and I get to push the buttons to make them work.

As I’m playing, I can see something going on in the corner. It looks really interesting, so I leave my toys and start to crawl across the room. My keyworker then calls my name, so I turn my head. I know she’s going to encourage me to stand up as she always does this when I’m crawling. I think she is trying to teach me to walk but I get to places quicker when I crawl.

Through the eyes of a baby

Throughout the day I get really messy. My keyperson encourages me to explore the gloop with my hands. It’s lots of fun. I also use my feet to feel what’s in the tray. I’m not sure at first, but after my first turn, I keep going back as I start to like it. By the end of the activity the gloop is everywhere! All over my hands, arms, my feet, and my face.

When it gets to lunchtime, I am really hungry and can’t wait to eat my food. I’m allowed to use a spoon and bowl at nursery. My keyperson shows me how to put yogurt on my spoon and into my mouth. I’m allowed to use my hands as well. This bit is fun and reminds me of the messy gloop I was playing with earlier.

After lunch, I start to feel sleepy. I miss my mummy, but my keyworker is there to give me a cuddle. I know my bed is set up ready for me, so I start to relax and fall asleep. I feel so cosy and warm with my special blanket from home.

Through the eyes of a 2-year-old

Through the eyes of a 2-year-old

Today was a busy day! I played with lots of toys and learnt how to say some new words. I was especially happy because my key person was there. I’m allowed to cuddle him if I want to, or he gives me a high five. He really knows a lot about me as he always talks to my daddy about the things that interest me and the things I’ve been doing at home.

During the morning, I had so much fun. My favourite activity was the dark tent. There were lots of sensory toys that I had to switch on myself. This was a bit tricky as the button was hard to move across, but I kept trying as I knew the toys would light up and make the tent really colourful. My friend tried to snatch one of the toys, so I screamed at him. My keyperson came to help me. He showed me what to do when this happens telling me to use the word ‘stop’. It’s important that I say this as people don’t understand what is wrong when I scream.

I love being outside at nursery! I was proud of myself today as I was able to put on my own rainsuit and wellies with only a tiny bit of help. I then splashed in puddles in the garden. I also explored the forest with some of my friends and my favourite grown up. We listened to the birds tweeting and saw a squirrel run up the tree. My keyperson told me that squirrels like to eat acorns so I’m going to collect some for them when I come to nursery next.

Through the eyes of a 4-year-old

When I left nursery today, I was so worn out. I spent the day learning so many new things. Every teacher told me how clever I was because I was able to write my name in the mud. I do have a keyperson but I’m comfortable to play and learn with all the teachers.

Most of my day was spent in the forest. Even though it was cold today, we were still allowed out as long as we were wearing clothes that kept us warm. When I saw children getting ready for forest school, I quickly made sure I got my hat and gloves from my bag as I really wanted to go out with them.

When we’re in the forest we are free to run, climb and jump in the mud. I especially loved it today because we went to the woodland music area. I stood on the stage and sang a song. I also liked watching my friend dance on the stage. She goes to dance lessons after nursery, and she was teaching us all some of her new dance moves. We all clapped and cheered as she moved around. I think she liked it because she really smiled.

The day went so fast as we were so busy. One of my friends was brave enough to pick up a wiggly worm. She put it in a bug collector, and we watched it move. My teacher asked me to check the birds nest to see if the eggs had hatched. I had to stand quite far back as I didn’t want to scare the mummy bird. As I looked through my binoculars, I could still see the eggs so no chicks just yet. Maybe tomorrow!
